Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Kepada Kamu

Kepada kamu yang sedang patah hati
Kepada kamu yang sedang goyah perasaannya
Kepada kamu yang tak tahu rindumu harus kemana bermuara
Kepada kamu yang hatinya utuh namun nyatanya rapuh
Kepada kamu yang matanya tak mampu membendung gejolak air mata
Kepada kamu yang tersakiti oleh yang dikasihi
Kepada kamu yang memiliki takdir berlawanan dengan ekspektasi
Kepada kamu yang seharusnya tidak menyerah begitu saja pada keadaan, kamu kuat, kamu bisa bangkit menjadi yang lebih baik lagi. Hidupmu tak akan berhenti sampai di mana kamu merasa paling tersakiti. Buatlah hidupmu bahagia dengan caramu, maka yang membahagaiakanmu kelak akan datang. Karena ada atau tidaknya dia yang menyakitimu, kamu berhak untuk bahagia.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Anggi: Aku berdiri di persimpangan ini sembari menahan laju angin yang mengiring. Di dalam sepi, aku sisipkan kerinduan yang memaksa segala ingin.
Gilang: Rindu telah sampai padaku sebelum kau titipkan pada angin. Bahkan cinta, ia sudah beranjak sejak namamu kutulis di akhir sajak.

Sesederhana itu percakapan kami tadi malam, Rabu pertama di tahun 2015.

Friday, December 19, 2014


Jangan salahkan malam karena rindu yang tak mampu ia redam, Kekasih.
Aku mencintaimu seperti bumi yang terus berotasi, tak mampu berhenti.

Gilang Akbar Al-Ghifari
Yogyakarta, 19-12-2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Kau memang rentenir hati
Yang terus menagih puisi, meski hari menjelang pagi

Jangan tuduh aku puitis
Meski syairku kebetulan romantis

Mungkin kebetulan kau yang baca
Mungkin kebetulan kau yang ku cinta

Gilang Akbar Al-Ghifari
Yogyakarta, 09-12-2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

An Interim Me

The back yard was alive with lights – the lanterns in the trees, golden and round, like thousands of miniature suns, stars and the moon, so heavy on the horizon that it was difficult to believe that it would be able to climb any higher in the sky.

Embroidered  quilts were spread out on grass dotted with chrysanthemums sagely nodding their yellow head. I was on fully white dress and you were on black, yes we were reverse. Realizing you sit here in front of me was the best feeling on that night. The awful truth’s being revealed.

We sat for hours. Silences surrounded us. Tiny gold doubt took root in my heart, I bet you got it too. And was it really right for one’s dreams to come true so instantly? Especially mine?

I saw a confusing gaze on you. I insisted myself that I should have not asked you what’s on your mind, but I just couldn't. You kept silence, even more silence.

Drowning myself into my palms and thinking how to explain the complexities of fate that have led me to reach this point. The point where I couldn't bear anything which was a fool feeling.  

Wish I could talk to him. Telling him something which was sure to be crammed full of warm secrets, like an antique post stamp hanging on the wall, staring the room.  Unfortunately, in the end I still couldn't make you speak. I let you go effortlessly. As flash as light you disappeared into the crowd. Forever.

Still convincing myself that this was just a dream, a bad dream like ones I've ever had just before you come into my life. But in fact I am fully awake. Somehow, the situation demanded an interim me, maybe a new me, just to build a shield to protect me.